Saturday, August 10, 2013

day 10 and 11: free day in san francisco - ferry building and fisherman's wharf

On Bus F to Ferry Building
It was a slow start to a relaxing free-and-easy day in San Francisco today before our flight. We had a whole day to spare with absolutely no idea what we'd like to do. We spent the previous night listing out options, from museums to outlet shopping. Ultimately, we decided to chill out by the coast.

After breakfast, we took a 20-minute ride on a super crowded city bus to the Ferry Building, which housed a variety of restaurants and shops selling artisan cheeses, mushroom, pig organs, wines, olive oil and more.

We had lunch at Hog Island Oyster Co, a restaurant recommended by Lonely Planet. It must be a pretty popular restaurant by the looks of its queue, we got a table by the water after a 25-minute wait. The fresh oysters were fantastic, so were the mussels, clam chowder and oyster stew we ordered.

We worked off lunch by walking to Pier 39. From the Ferry Building, which was at Pier 1, we must have taken close to 40 minutes to stroll to the more lively and family-friendly Pier 39.

We were all exhausted by the time we got to Pier 39. So we ordered beers at Luigi's pizza and chilled out.

We couldn't miss taking the city's iconic cable car. The queue took about 30 to 45 minutes; during the wait, we were entertained by how the cable car was manually turned on a wooden platform when it reached the end of the track. We were fortunate enough to get a standing space on the side of the cable car as it went up and down hill, all the way to Union Square.

After grabbing two slices of cheesecakes from the famous (and very crowded) The Cheesecake Factory at Macy's, as well as dinner at Burger King, we headed back to Holiday Inn to catch our bus to the airport. 

Cost: $23.30 Lunch at Ferry Building, $5 The Cheesecake Factory, $7 Burger King dinner

Highlight: The unique clam chowder at Hog Island Oyster Co - it was more like a creamy clam stew rather than a chowder, but extremely tasty!